Among the assembled gopis,one expressed a doubt,"we are planning elaborately for getting the company of Krishna.But remember,we are sinners and our sins will throw obstacles in our path.It always happens when a good deed is contemplated.It is the way of the world.Take the case of Dasaratha who planned the coronation of Rama;the great omniscient sage Vasishta fixed the date;the citizens clamoured for him and applauded the decision.But what happened ? Rama went to the forest forsaking the city,and it was His Paduka (holy sandals) which sat on the throne for fourteen years.So what is the surety that we will succeed?" The answer is given in this verse: Recite the name of Krishna;think of him;offer flowers;and all obstacles will vanish.All sins committed before taking Refuge with Him,as well those unwittingly accruing after Surrender (Saranagati) will perish. The Purva Agha (earlier sins) will be burnt to ashes like cotton bales in a fire;and the Uttara Agha(Subse- quent Sins) will not stick to the person like drops of water to a lotus leaf. Milk is both a pleasurable food as well as a medicine to cure bile.The same is the case with Him.(Maruttuvanai ninra mamanivanna)
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